LBM Trailers and Hitches, inc.

Manufactuers & Products
Hitches & Electrical
We sell a great deal of Hitches & Electrical products. Listed below are different types of hitches, mounts, and wiring that we can sell to you along with the different manufactuers!
Types of Hitches and Electrical
Trailer Hitches, Ball Mounts, Hitch Balls, Hitch Accessories, Trailer Accessories, Electrical Wiring, ATV Accesories, Bike Racks, and much more!
Hitches & Electrical Manufactuer's
Reese, Drawtite, Hidden Hitch, Pro Series, Fulton, B&W 5th Wheel, Gooseneck Hitches, and much more!
We sell any and all Trailers you can think of. Listed below are some of our manufactuers and types of trailers that we sell! If you do not see a type of trailer that you are looking for, call us and we can help you get what you need!
Types of Trailers
Enclosed, Open, Flat Bed, Construction, Landscape, Race Car Trailers as well as Water Craft and Snow Mobile Trailers.
Trailer Manufactuers
United Trailers
Rance Aluminum
Behnke Enterprises Inc.
and many more!
Lowest Prices